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Eco Master Compost Machine

With 23 years of excellence in Dolphine Marine Lanka, we have invented a compost machine with 6 diferrent sizes for your convenient. The Eco Master Composter is a state of the art, simple and an eco friendly machine with a high productivity. This high tech machine provides a dual solution by eradicating the garbage menace […]

Are you an Investor?

Are you an investor & want to build a boat? Join with us. This is for a enthusiast who is looking for making money by BUILDING SIMPLE BOATS. Boat Types 15 TON BOLLARD TAG BOAT 16 TON BOLLARD TAG BOAT 30 M LANDING CRAFT 60 TON SELF PROPELLED WATER BARGE 18 TON BOLLARD PULL TUG […]

Why Larger Steel Fishing Vessels?

  The quality of fish depends on how it handles icing and chilling operation inside the fishing boat and quick freezing and cold storage is an excellent way of doing this. Unlike the small vessel, the larger one can include the modern technology such as blast freezer and some preliminary processing facilities by passing through […]

We are Partnered with Tenor Global Marine

Tenor Global Marine company set the benchmark in local placements and has maintained its standards of service to be recognized as the best in people’s placement. They will connect suitable candidates according to clients’ requirements for a one-time fee. They are consistently supporting our jobs with our talent and business consultancy services. They conduct a […]